Madhav University Hosts International Conference on Indian Knowledge

Abu Road, Rajasthan, India – March 1, 2025 – Madhav University is hosting a two-day international conference on “Inclusion of Indian Knowledge.” The event, inaugurated by Dr. Kamlesh Upadhyay of BJ Medical College, Ahmedabad, features scholars and practitioners exploring the impact of India’s cultural heritage.

Dr. Rajkumar, Chairman of Madhav University, emphasized the university’s commitment to promoting Indian culture. Himat Singh Deval, Chairperson, underscored the significance of India’s ancient wisdom.

Dr. Rajiv Mathur, President, provided an overview of Indian culture’s diverse dimensions. Dr. Upadhyay highlighted the contributions of Indian knowledge to medical science, while Dr. Bhavesh Kumawat, Registrar, reaffirmed the university’s dedication to integrating traditional knowledge with modern approaches.

The conference, organized by the Department of Physical Education, concludes with a discussion on the relevance of Indian knowledge in contemporary society.

Ashok Prajapat

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