Hanuman Jayanthi is celebrated in a grand manner in temples across the country on the occasion of Hanuman Jayanti. The Madhav University administration had given permission to all the staff and students to attend the birth anniversary program. The program was attended by all the students, teachers, and staff of the college. At 12.30 p.m., a huge bhandara was organized, in which the Madhav University family and about 1000 people from the surrounding villages enjoyed the bhandara. Senior officials of the university were present on the occasion. After offering prayers at the temple, the Chairman of the University, Prof. Rajkumar, said that such events increase harmony in society, and the President of the University Grants Commission, Prof. Rajiv Mathur, said that according to the University Grants Commission, such programs also foster a sense of character building in the children. Dr. Bhavesh Kumawat, registrar of the university, said that Deepotsav was also celebrated in the evening.