Madhav Homeoepathic Medical College and Hospital Bhujela organised a one-day medical and health camp in the nearby Achpura village on Wednesday, July 24, 2024, in which patients suffering from various diseases were examined free of charge and medicines were distributed. Dr. Shailendra Kumar Singh, Resident Medical Officer, gave information to the villagers about the homoeopathic medical system. Also, the intern students advised the villagers to avoid various types of diseases caused by heat, such as heat stroke, vomiting, diarrhoea, lack of water in the body, etc., and stomach pain, mouth ulcers, anaemia, sciatica, stones, piles, skin diseases, etc. Free blood sugar tests were also conducted in this medical camp. About 80 patients took advantage of the camp. Dr. Shailendra Kumar Singh, Resident Medical Officer, Intern Doctor Vikram Singh Charan, Deepak, Siddharth, and Jaimin contributed to the operation of the camp. Dean and Principal Professor Dr. Manoj Kumar Behera of Madhav Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital Bhuleja thanked the health team for successfully organising the camp.